Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    1. Packet to print

    2. SLIDES Day 1

    3. SLIDES Day 2

    4. Client Kosha Assessment Template

    5. Holmes Stress Inventory

    6. Perceived Stress Scale

    1. Introductions - What is Yoga Therapy?

    2. Depression in the West

    3. The 3 Archetypes of Depression

    4. The Obstacles to Healing

    5. Addressing depression through the 5 Koshas

    1. Anxiety in the West

    2. Yoga Therapy & Anxiety

    3. Living with Anxiety - A Ted Talk

    4. Addressing anxiety through the 5 Koshas

    1. Practice for Vata/Airy Anxiety or Depression

    2. Practice for Pitta/Firey Anxiety or Depression

    1. Final Assignment

About this course

  • $175.00
  • 19 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content

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